Monday, May 7, 2012

Trycia Carlberg.

Yesterday morning I received some very devastating news.

The beautiful 36-year-old cancer warrior, Trycia Carlberg, whom I was fortunate to interview for my news package titled "Don't Worry Be Happy" passed away from breast cancer.

When I met her two months ago, she was vibrant and had the biggest and most beautiful smile on her face.  I or anybody else for that matter would not have known that she was battling cancer.

She truly knew how to carry the message behind Don't Worry be Happy.

I will forever hold our intimate stories about cancer, family, love interests, and life in my heart.


 Although I only met you once, you made an impact on my life.

I will always honor you and remember you.

I thank God that he brought you to my life and that you are now in peace and in heaven.

Say hello to my Mama.

R.I.P. Trycia Carlberg <3

DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY. <-- Click to view my news package and see what an angel Trycia is.

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